About Me

A little bit about my professional, educational and personal life.

Yo y mi amor
me and lily

About Me

Hi, I'm Cristian Ruben, I live in Guanajuato, Mexico. I've been programming since I was 16, I'm a software engineer and I specialize in web development and product design.

When I'm not working at my desk, I'm probably listening to a podcast, playing soccer with my brother, or enjoying life.



I've worked as a freelancer for over 3 years, developing web applications and backend services, helping small businesses with their web presence.

  • Dorichangos



    I developed an e-commerce platform for Dorichangos, making product purchases easy. I implemented a dashboard for managing products and orders, enhancing operational efficiency.


I specialize in JavaScript, React and web development, with experience in UI/UX. Currently, I'm expanding my skills in infrastructure, DevOps and optimization.

  • Politécnica de Pénjamo - Guanajuato, México

    Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering

    Politécnica de Pénjamo - Guanajuato, México

  • CBTIS 171 - Guanajuato, México

    Technical degree in Programming

    CBTIS 171 - Guanajuato, México